Regardless of how old a man is, it is very important for him to be constantly on top of sexual activity, and in that case, not to lose face in front of a lady. There are many known cases where 80-year-old gray-haired husbands not only married young beauties for love, but later became happy parents. And because? Because these people live well, they think positively, eat healthy, and potency-boosting foods. After all, we, in fact, are what we eat. And also the fact that we drink and smoke. The last two are the worst enemies of male sexual power.

The article will focus on home remedies, with which you can increase the potency of a man.
SOS signal
Before rushing to look for folk remedies, urgently go to the field to collect healing bouquets and prepare infusions, you need to determine what is causing the problems. First of all, potency and libido are lowered by the following factors:
- daily stress and nervous tension;
- physical and mental overwork;
- chronic lack of sleep;
- excessive alcohol consumption;
- of smoking;
- overweight;
- sedentary work;
- unbalanced diet.
There are many reasons for a decrease in sexual activity and, as you can see, age is not on this list. Therefore, to begin with, address the solution of the above problems, if at least one is present in your life.
Home remedies
It is possible to increase the potency of a man using the so-called "grandmother's methods" faster than with the help of traditional medicine. The main thing is not to overdo it, everything should be in moderation.
Interestingly, this drink invigorates the entire body and also the male genitalia. In addition, regular coffee consumption carries a lower risk of diabetes, which, as you know, negatively affects your sex life. But of course you can't abuse it: drink coffee as usual or, if you haven't used it before, limit yourself to two cups.
The remedy can be taken only in the absence of heart and blood pressure problems. If all is in order with this, then we take the tincture of ginseng and eleutherococcus and move on. First, there is one drop for every 100 g of water, the next day - two, then three, and so on for 28 days, adding drop by drop. That is, on the last day of the water intake, you must drip 28 drops of the tincture. The result is not only excellent power for a man, but also a vivid sensation during sex. By the way, there is a recipe that requires more time: you need to grind the ginseng root, then mix it with honey in a ratio of 1 teaspoon per 350 g of bee labor and insist on this for 10 days. Then eat one pea servings three times a day for two months.
How can it be without it! Crush the hop cones until you get 2 tablespoons of powder. Pour boiling water with two glasses, keep it on for five minutes. When cool, drink 100g three times a day.
This plant has long been famous for helping men return to normal sexual life. Thyme contains a large amount of zinc, which stimulates the release of testosterone and promotes the reproduction of sperm in the male body. The technology is also simple: take dry inflorescences - a couple of tablespoons, pour two glasses of boiling water and leave it to infuse. In the next two days, drink the infusion evenly in the morning, afternoon and evening. You can use this medicine for six months, no more.
Mix 150 g of shelled walnuts with 100 g of natural honey and 30 ml of aloe juice. Divide into three portions and eat as dessert after meals. You will notice the results in a month.
White wine
On the basis of this drink, a remedy is prepared, which is also not worse than tablets for a good erection and acts instantly, therefore it is used immediately before sex. Take a liter of wine, pour a glass of orange juice and half a glass of lemon, put 2 tablespoons of honey, a tablespoon of liquor, fresh mint, cardamom, cloves or cinnamon, pinch each. Scrambled, warmed (do not bring to a boil), insisted for three days in the refrigerator and can be drunk. Those who have tried it say that the effect is simply amazing.
Of course, these funds, like traditional medicines, are not suitable for everyone. So, try: one did not go, take another. Fortunately, unlike any chemistry, natural ingredients will not harm the body. Therefore, put skepticism aside and take action - in the fight for healthy potency and a full-blown sex life, all means are good. Sure, of course.
Summing up, I want to say that home remedies will be especially effective for preventive purposes. If you have erection problems, the best solution would be to consult a doctor. You may have much more serious problems that cannot be solved with herbs and various tinctures.